The RMS Blog

The RMS Blog | Retail Management Solutions

Choosing the Right PCs for Your Pharmacy

Looking to upgrade your pharmacy's PCs? Don't sweat the tech-y stuff - we've got you covered. Here's everything you need to know.

Best Practices

Make Mail Order Work For Your Pharmacy

The RMS integration with UPS WorldShip connects your RMS system with your WorldShip account to create orders and generate shipments.


When 'Free' Means Something Else Entirely

Lured by the siren calls of 'free' from bundled pharmacy POS solutions? Sometimes 'free' can end up costing you the most. Here's what you need to...

Curbside & Delivery

Common Pharmacy Delivery Dilemmas: SOLVED

Does your pharmacy have a delivery program? Are you thinking about starting one? If so, you might face these common dilemmas, but RMS can help!


4 Key Strengths of Pharmacy POS

There are dozens of activities a good pharmacy point-of-sale system supports & simplifies every day. Many of them are encompassed in these 4 key...

Security & Compliance

CLIMB Rewind: Credit Card Surcharging

We're rewinding CLIMB to share some need-to-know compliance info for pharmacies looking to surcharge on credit card transactions.

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