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The RMS Blog | Retail Management Solutions

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

A few weeks ago when I was shopping for Mothers Day cards, I ran across one that said something to the effect of “Dear mom, sorry for all the awful...


How to Optimize Drive Thru Pharmacy Services

The commonly accepted meaning of convenience is constantly changing for your customers. They have more options to choose from than ever before. Not...

Patient Care

Having a Rough Day in your Pharmacy? (VIDEO)

We’ve all been there. We try to plan our day as best as we can, but in the 21st century, with customer expectations, insurance and doctor demands,...


A Few Tips for a Healthier Pharmacy

A new year often means a renewed focus on health and wellness. Health related resolutions top the list of most common goals in the US and there are...


2 Techniques to Make Your Pharmacy Better

This article Karen wrote in 2014 is still poignant today, but I’m going to add an extra layer to it. Gamify it, if you will. You’ve probably heard...


What the Right Data Can Do For Your Pharmacy

Have you ever noticed that Google seems to know exactly what you’re looking for? If I type in a variety of food for example, it doesn’t give me...


What your Pharmacy Can Learn From The Eclipse

On Monday, all of America will be focusing on seeing a total eclipse of the sun. This is something that Americans haven’t seen since 1991. As NASA’s...

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