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The RMS Pharmacy Blog - New Articles Weekly
Patient Care

Tips and Tricks for the Holiday Season

Halloween may be filled with spooky costumes, scary movies and haunted houses, but to me, Halloween doesn’t have anything on the Holiday Season....


Happy Fourth of July from RMS

When I was a kid, the moment the bell rang on the last day of school, summer officially started. It didn’t matter if the skies were cloudy and gray...


What’s the Real Cost?

Cost vs. value is a tricky thing. How do you decide whether something is really worth the money you’ll spend on it? It’s a question we talk about...


Are Your Pharmacy Staff Dependent on You?

This coming Fall, my kiddos will be starting Kindergarten. And even 5 months away, there’s a flurry of preparation. I’ve filled out what feels like a...


Point-of-Sale Beyond the Pharmacy

Pharmacy point-of-sale is a specialized tool. It must be that way to meet all of the requirements and needs unique to the pharmacy industry. Pharmacy...

Patient Care

Starting Off the New Year Right in Retail

New Years is generally a time of resolutions and fresh starts. A time for stifling bad habits and creating better ones. It’s a really nice concept...


Pharmacy Owners – What’s Your Time Worth?

About a month ago, I went to wake up my kids, and noticed that my little boys weren’t quite so little anymore. Feet sprawled over their toddler sized...


3 Labor Day Reminders for Your Pharmacy

Labor Day is always the holiday that sneaks up on me. It’s always here faster than I expect it to be, bringing with it the end of summer and the...


What it’s Like to Start Working for RMS

Have you ever looked over the edge of the cliff, took a small step back and then a GIANT leap off the cliff into the water?Not only is this one of my...


What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

A few weeks ago when I was shopping for Mothers Day cards, I ran across one that said something to the effect of “Dear mom, sorry for all the awful...

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