Customer Loyalty

What Comes After You Choose Your Pharmacy Point-of-Sale?

Ever get buyer’s remorse? You purchased something that made sense to you in the moment, only to later have doubts or regrets? Of course, we all have. And usually, it’s no big deal. A quick return erases our purchasing mistake and we move on. That regrettable sweater purchase can so easily become a thing of […]

rms-pharmacy-pos-growth.jpgEver get buyer’s remorse? You purchased something that made sense to you in the moment, only to later have doubts or regrets? Of course, we all have. And usually, it’s no big deal. A quick return erases our purchasing mistake and we move on. That regrettable sweater purchase can so easily become a thing of the past, right?

Now there’s always the exception that proves the rule, and for pharmacies, the last thing you want to do is have to regret a technology purchase in your pharmacy. The investment in time alone means that you want to be sure to make the right decision. Last year we shared a 12 step infographic for evaluating and choosing a new pharmacy POS system. It’s a great starting point when you  take the first step and make that big change. But the work doesn’t stop there. Successful pharmacy owners are constantly evaluating new tools that they can add to their existing pharmacy technology infrastructure.  

At RMS, we have countless interfaces, integrations and software module options. So when you’re ready to try new things in your pharmacy, there are many avenues available without having to start from the very beginning. Here’s a quick overview of the opportunities RMS customers have to change how they do business, and in turn, grow their business. 


Software Modules – When you first purchase your pharmacy POS system, you may start with just the basics. Electronic Signature Capture, Accounts Receivable, Integrated Card Processing, PSE Tracking, etc. All of the essentials for running a small pharmacy But, as time goes by, your pharmacy begins to grow, and suddenly you need more.  Instead of throwing everything out, just add on the functionality you need. From Customer Loyalty to Purchasing & Receiving with integrated Sign & Label Printing. The capabilities of your POS software shouldn’t ever hold back your growth.  

Integrations & Interfaces – These are some of the most powerful tools you can have at your disposal. Just the option of being able to partner with the pharmacy system vendor or credit card processor that best meets your needs puts your pharmacy is in a better position. When you consider available add-on interfaces to other industry vendors, like our integration with Ortho Molecular Products, that great starting position only gets better.  

Hardware Options – As your pharmacy business grows, features and functionality aren’t the only factors that will be on your mind. You’ll also need to consider the physical growth of your pharmacy. Adding registers, implementing a mobile solution, changing hardware based upon counter-space – all of these things may come into play at one point or another.  

Growing the capabilities of your pharmacy POS system as your pharmacy business grows should be easy. Stay tuned to the RMS blog for details and checklists that will help you determine which features your pharmacy can benefit the most from. 


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