Best Practices

Strategies to Reduce Overwhelm in Your Pharmacy

The most prepared of us can feel overwhelmed with professional and personal obligations. Preparation can help you through the season with less stress.

The last few months of the year always seem to be accompanied by a sense of time running out. Probably because for many things, it really is. Cold & Flu Season has pharmacies busy, along with Medicare Open Enrollment. Add that to general cold & flu season, the upcoming holidays, and a whole slew of loose ends that probably need tied up before the new year… well… I guess it’s fair to say that all the clocks are ticking at once.

Even the most prepared of us can feel overwhelmed with the professional and personal obligations that come at this time of year. There might not even be a way around it. Still, preparation is the way to get through the season with the least amount of stress possible.

There's no single magic answer that will eliminate your overwhelm or remove stress from your pharmacy team. Luckily, there are some strategies that can help to reduce both overwhelm and stress. 

Also in our favor, and yours, our good friend, Business Coach and Professor of Business Emily Cannata, has put together her best course materials on 3 great strategies that you can start using today. 

Level-up Your Time Management Skills  

This first video will give you some of the secrets to making more time in your day. Something we all need, even in the most ideal circumstances. 



Next on the list is delegating. Focus on the things you do best, and empower your team to take responsibility for projects, tasks and day to day work in your pharmacy. This not only helps you achieve better balance, but it also helps your team to grow. 


Focus on Employee Wellness

If you're stressed, you can bet your team feels it to. Supporting your employees is so important because a happy, well cared for pharmacy team will provide the best possible experience for your customers. 




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