Patient Care

New Definitions to Use in Your Pharmacy

There’s a scene in the movie, “The Incredibles 2” where Mr. Incredible is being defeated by his kids’ math textbook. Something to the effect of “why did they change math?” among his frustrated utterances. This week, as my own children began distance learning curriculums from their school, I began to understand his feelings. While my […]

New definitions to use in your pharmacy RMSPOSThere’s a scene in the movie, “The Incredibles 2” where Mr. Incredible is being defeated by his kids’ math textbook. Something to the effect of “why did they change math?” among his frustrated utterances.

This week, as my own children began distance learning curriculums from their school, I began to understand his feelings.  While my kindergarten memories are hazy at best, I’m pretty sure that sight words weren’t a thing and that math didn’t include something called a “ten frame”.

Suddenly it all made sense why my methods to teach were being met by blank stares and sighs of discontent. Somewhere along the way, my processes had become outdated.

Sometimes we have to change our approach to something to get the results we’re looking for. Especially in our current and drastically different retail landscape, the same workflows, sales strategies and learning processes that have served us for so long, might not work any longer.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to rethink some of the definitions and processes that we’ve come to think of as innate parts of our daily lives.

Customer Service: This used to synonymous with smiles, friendly chats and relationship building. Today, it’s about showing up and showing you care in a different way. At first glance, that limited contact created through curbside pickup programs and countertop screens may seem coarse, but it’s really proving that patient safety is a priority.  Making something easier and faster for your customers when so many things have become more difficult can create a relationship in a whole new way.

Communication: Emails and social media may not have meant much to your pharmacy in the past, but right now, they offer us a way to connect when all the other doors are closed. Rethink how you communicate with your customer base. Can you video chat with a long-time customer who usually visits regularly in person? Or just pick up the phone to talk for a few minutes? Can you post a picture of your staff on Facebook, just to let your customers know everyone is safe, healthy and missing everyone? None of these represent an expense in anything except time, and they just might change your relationship with a customer for the better.

Goals: Seems like kind of a silly thought right now. But you can move your pharmacy business forward, even with so many things at a standstill.  The way you get there might look different. Maybe you have to teach yourself something new, or use a tool you never thought you would. Not unlike changing to home workouts when you’ve had a gym membership for most of your life. But as you continue to show up for your customers, and serve them in innovative ways, you can continue to improve your pharmacy and achieve goals.

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