Customer Loyalty

4 Ways to Improve Pharmacy Customer Service

Now more than ever before, quality customer service is crucial to a business’s viability. Indeed, how a company manages the customer experience can prove to be the difference between growth and stagnation, success and failure. The same principle holds true for pharmacies. Business leaders that prioritize pharmacy customer service and take action to improve customer […]

Hands holding up a "wow!" response to great pharmacy customer serviceNow more than ever before, quality customer service is crucial to a business’s viability. Indeed, how a company manages the customer experience can prove to be the difference between growth and stagnation, success and failure. The same principle holds true for pharmacies. Business leaders that prioritize pharmacy customer service and take action to improve customer experiences set their organizations apart from the competition. Here, we’ll explore four ways that professionals in the pharmacy industry can do just that. Check it out: 

Advanced Security Measures

No customer wants to think about the possibility of having their credit card information hacked or stolen because they made a simple purchase at a pharmacy. Yet, hacking techniques have become incredibly sophisticated over the years, and retail POS systems have become a lucrative target for hackers. What’s more, there are few things more detrimental to a pharmacy’s reputation than a security breach of any sort –– whether it was “their fault” or not. As such, it’s crucial for pharmacy business leaders to invest in payment processing and compliance software and hardware to protect their customers. You can learn more about the different types of credit card encryption here

Front-End Merchandise Availability
Many pharmacies generate a significant portion of their revenue through the sale of front-end merchandise in their store –– items ranging from umbrellas, to party snacks, to school supplies. However, in order to ensure customer satisfaction at all times, pharmacy business leaders need to streamline and optimize their ordering processes and inventory management. The good news on this front is that by automating key processes, pharmacies can cut down on ordering costs, guarantee fully-stocked shelves, and boost overall ROI for front-end transactions. Additionally, they can use tools that are synched with their POS system to update prices quickly and accurately and address any issues like inventory shrinkage. 

Greater Convenience

The less “friction” that occurs in the sales process, the easier it will be for a pharmacy to deliver a positive customer experience. As such, any steps that business leaders can take to make their products and services more accessible is massively beneficial. That’s why so many pharmacies have begun to adopt measures like drive-thru service, curbside pickup, and bedside delivery (for outpatient pharmacies). In addition, allowing customers to utilize ecommerce applications along with your in-store inventory will expand your reach and satisfy your current clientele as well. 

Better Service

At the end of the day, a lot of customers still utilize a pharmacy primarily to get their prescriptions filled. And, ideally, pharmacies should use this knowledge to improve the customer experience. For example, pharmacies that sign up for RMS’ interface to Ortho Molecular Products’ Digital Replete Solution can do just that. Here’s how it works: when a customer brings in a prescription that could cause depletion of certain nutrients, the interface automatically identifies supplements that the pharmacist can then recommend to the customer to deal with the issue. Remember, embracing tech solutions like this can make a world of difference for your team and your customer base. 

Contact Us

At RMS, we specialize in providing innovative tech solutions to support pharmacies looking to upgrade their internal processes. We’ve worked with companies just like yours and we know the unique challenges you face. Contact us here to start improving your customer service methods today!

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