This Month on CLIMB: All About 8112 Digital Couponing

November CLIMB is all about 8112: the new digital couponing standard taking independent retail by storm. But what does it mean for pharmacy?

Over 176 billion coupons were issued in 2021, most of which being manufacturer coupons following the traditional paper model.

You know the type. Cumbersome to accept, prone to fraud. Difficult, time consuming and costly to retrieve reimbursement.  

However, a growing percentage of these coupons are a bit different. A new digital couponing standard, known as 8112, is emerging. 8112 coupons are serialized, fully digital, and operate through an app on your customers' smart phone.

They bring, among other things, a relief from the general hassle that paper coupons represent for retailers. 

To learn why independent retailers should consider accepting 8112 coupons and how they would go about getting started, we sat down with Sam Jonas, Co-Founder of nData Services during this month's CLIMB.

nData is leading the charge to grow adoption of 8112 digital coupons in multiple retail verticals, including independent pharmacy.

Our November CLIMB episode is now live on our YouTube Channel and free to watch. Check it out below! 

If you want to learn more about integrating 8112 digital coupon acceptance with your RMS system (for free!) contact us today.

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